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NO Bible Study - Thursday, October 30
- C'nC Event instead! Please talk to David for details!


College & Career Retreat - Friday, November 7th - Sunday, November 9th
Metro Worship - Saturday, November 29th, at 7:00 pm
- The Bridge will be leading the Worship
Metro Worship - Saturday, January 21st, 2009, at 7:00 pm
Metro Basketball (5 on 5!) - Saturday, February 28th at 7:00 pm (tentative date)
C 'n C Mission Trip to Vancouver! - May 3rd - May 12th (tentative date)
Metro Cup Football - June 2009
Mission Trip to SYC BC - August 2009

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daily Disciples Devotional

Hello C'nC! Time for a little thought of the day!

A part of this devotional was taken from, Daily Disciples Devotional on Enjoy!

Today's Reading: Jeremiah 20-21; 2 Timothy 4

Today's Thoughts: Trust in God’s Strength

Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13

We are tempted by opportunity as much as by desire. Temptation is constant and sneaky. Because sin can be enjoyable, our flesh can seem to move faster and can speak louder than our hearts. Next thing we know, we are going with the feeling of the moment, giving into temptation while hurting ourselves.

First Corinthians chapter ten verses 12 and 13 are the balance to a pendulum lifestyle. We should never rely on our own strength. Our strength comes in Christ alone through the power of the Holy Spirit. And by looking at Jesus, temptation does not need to overtake us. God is so faithful. Just by keeping our eyes on Him, calling out to Him, desiring Him more than the feeling at the moment, He will provide a way of escape every time. Sometimes it comes through people's warnings, pastors' teachings, the Word of God and/or a still small voice. We need to be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit so we can recognize the way of escape. God is faithful to us in all things. He will answer and will make you stand if you look to Him for strength instead of your own.

Trust in His strength today!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

College and Career Retreat

For those who are interested in attending the College and Career Retreat on November 7th, 8th, and 9th in Canmore, please let Pastor David know as soon as possible!!

There is also a Facebook invite regarding this event so please check it out! We need to get an idea of numbers so we can work the rooms out properly, thanks!!

Please consider attending!! This will be a very relaxing and fun fellowship time!! It will be a great weekend!

we need YOUR help!

Attention all COLLEGE & CAREER!!
(oh no! why so glum Lanein!? don't worry, we'll turn that frown upside down!)

Guess what!? The Bridge International Church is SSSOOOOOO close to getting their very own CHURCH BUILDING!!! Yup, it's true!

But we need your help. You see, as of now, we have already raised $120,000 towards the down payment for the building! Wow!

Unfortunately, that's not enough! We need to raise enough money to put down a 50% down payment of $300,000 for the building.

So how much do we need to raise still? A whopping $180,000!!! Crazy! But with God's help and YOUR help, we can do this!

College & Career, ANY LITTLE BIT COUNTS!!! Everything adds up in the end! Even if you could sacrifice just ONE meal at McDonald's for example, that would be so helpful! Even 1 dollar! Each cent will just bring us closer and closer to our goal! Can you make a difference!?

Just think about it... if we had our very own church building, that's just it, it would be OURS! Aren't you TIRED of not having a Church building to call your own!?

Picture this... Our very own building to host our very own YOUTH/
C'nC RALLIES!!! Need a place for College and Career events?? Got it! Don't have a place for Bible Study one week? Oh wait, we can use our Church! Need a better place to teach Sunday School? Well, we can use one of the classrooms! Tired of setting up and putting away the chairs? Done and done!

We can have all of that! And you can be a part of bringing us one step closer!

If you are interested in donating, please come prepared to bring your generous donation to Church on Sunday, October 19! Or, you can give it to Pastor David and he will make sure it gets to the right place!

Thank you for your help =)

(Don't worry Dandan! Our very own Church building will hopefully be coming soon!)

thanks to our special guests!

We want to send out a big THANKS to our special guest speakers who came on Thursday, October 9th, to our College and Career Bible Study!!! These three wonderful ladies from Arizona, Simone, Carrie and Sandy, shared a wonderful discussion with us at our Bible Study.

They taught and talked to us about how to follow God's plan and path for our lives. And surprise surprise!! That's what Pastor David has been teaching us at Bible Study for several weeks already!! It's amazing how God works in mysterious ways!

Simone, Carrie and Sandy definitely did an excellent job at opening up our hearts and minds to this matter. Thank you so much again for taking time to share with us! We hope to see you all again someday!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oct. 3rd Youth Rally!!!

The Youth Rally on Friday, October 3rd at the Calgary Chinese Baptist Church was EXCELLENT!!! There was a HUGE turnout of guests of all ages!! From several comments heard, it seems that all of the guests had a great time! Not only was the rally very funny and entertaining (the creative skit, the ice-breaker games, fun worship songs and Pastor David's comedic sermon stories), but also very touching, heart-transforming, informative and eye-opening. God was really moving in that place that night, there's no doubt about it! He was sure to have touched many lives that night, young and old alike.

A BIG THANKS again to the Calgary Chinese Baptist Church for letting us host it at their place and for all of their help!! And for providing delicious SNACKS for all of the guests at the end of the rally! It was altogther a great night!

And a BIG THANKS to all of the Youth and College & Career who put their time and effort into helping make this rally happen!! From the skit to the worship band, everyone did their very best! Good job everyone!

We sure hope to have many more Youth Rally's to come!!

The picture album for the Youth Rally was already uploaded!! Please scroll down and look to the right of this page to view the album from the picture gallery, or you can view them here!!

Youth Rally October 2008!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

come and join us!!!

Youth Rally Today!!!!

7:30 p.m.

Calgary Chinese Baptist Church

3907 44 Ave NE

Come for an amazing experience!!!