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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

just a thought

In light of our recent Bible Study discussions on
"following God's path"
(especially when it comes to our career choices), I have found this little devotional that might help provide more insight on the subject. This little excerpt was taken from the "Daily Disciples Devotional" on (*Only some parts were chosen, not the entire devotional*)

Today's Reading: Isaiah 9-10; Ephesians 3

Today’s Thoughts: Submitting to God

Do you feel comfortable saying "no" to God? We might not have the ability to admit it but we each say "no" to God in some way. Sometimes we say "no" by choosing to not witness. Sometimes we say "no" by refusing to volunteer. Sometimes we say "no" by ignoring the prompting of our heart. But most of the time we say "no" because we refuse to accept His will for our lives.

We are flesh and our natural born nature rebels against the Lord at times. God can handle whatever position we take and He wants to reason with us on our position. Talk to Him and be honest. The problem comes when we place our thoughts and desires over God's, to a point of rebuking the Lord. We may not have the boldness to tell Him we think He is wrong, but our actions show the thoughts and intents of our hearts as we choose not to submit or yield or even listen to what He is trying to say. God's ways do not make sense to us and His thoughts are not our thoughts. That is why it is so important to have an open, honest relationship with Him based on His words.

What is the Lord trying to tell you today?

Are you going through a set of circumstances that you refuse to acknowledge is God's will for your life?

Are you fighting or submitting?

Are you willing to listen or are you running?

To view the entire devotional, visit

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